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Welcome on the first impact store. We are here to help you support the 17 Sustainable Developpement Goals defined by the United Nations, and fight climate change.

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allcolibri is the first impact store

We have curated a list of tangible actions that are the most profitable for our planet thanks to our ethics advisors. Our actions are always associated to Gold Std/VCS carbon offset to fight climate change, one of the most urgent priority according to the United Nations.

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Doing good makes people happy, and proud. With your personnal impact page, you will be able to see how great you're doing, while becoming an impact ambassador when sharing it!

Visit our Demo Impact Page
  • Trust

    Our ethics advisors are experts in climate, agroforestry, social causes that are helping us source the best local partners for each cause we have decided to support.

  • Community

    Because alone you go faster, but together you got much further, we aim to build a community of people willing to build a better future.

  • Partners

    We have selected NGOs and purpose missions all around the world to help us achieve the more impact possible as fast as possible.

  • Mission

    If you don't know the humming bird legend yet, check it now, this should motivate you to join our community!